FastImpose is the imposition module that is added to the Esko BackStage workflow automation server. FastImpose is much more than an interactive imposition application.

It adds productivity tools to streamline the imposition process - typically the most manual part of a commercial printing workflow. It also includes quality control tools to reduce operator errors and catch mistakes before they make it to press.

Based on over seventeen years of imposition experience, FastImpose handles all imposition needs, from standard layout, to multi-web, (asymmetric) coming-and-going, multiple sections with different trim sizes on the same sheet - even foldouts (tri-folds and gate-folds). Whether you are a book, magazine, catalog, or commercial printer, whether you print sheetfed or webfed, FastImpose contains the tools to get the job done, efficiently and correctly the first time.

FastImpose Features

Automated Imposition using JDF

JDF covers a lot of areas, but imposition is often the process that can offer the greatest savings. Esko actively defined and promoted an alternate, high-level method of passing imposition information between MIS systems to prepress. The result? The ability to fully automate imposition. The benefits? No more prepress operator time to create impositions, always in sync with the imposition of the production planning.

Quality Control

Occasionally a job is output to plate that doesn't match the proof, because of an accidental change or use of an incorrect file. Sometimes, the mistake makes it to press. This never happens with the FastImpose SmartID Quality Control Code.

Automatically created print production controls

Most workflow solutions are able to output an imposition proof on a large format inkjet plotter. With FastImpose, additional information can be added during output, such as lines designating edge-of-plate, edge-of-paper, and gripper. These help ensure correct positioning on a sheet. Trim lines around each page can facilitate checks for proper bleeds. Using the SmartMarks feature, you can add your own checklist, company logo - whatever you'd like. If your pressman would like to see ink coverage information before the job gets on press, it can be calculated and printed on the imposition proof.

Immediate WYSIWYG Preview

FastImpose is the only imposition application that provides an instant WYSIWYG preview, including the ability to view separations and measure densities. Previewing is also helpful when page positioning needs to be adjusted. You can immediately see the results. With other workflows, this is done by trial and error.

Barcode Marks

With FastImpose, a Barcode mark can dynamically add information about that particular signature, side - and even color. Barcodes are also increasingly being used by post-press equipment to check that signatures are being collated in the right order. FastImpose natively supports the barcodes for systems like ASIR of MüllerMartini or WST, generating the correct code automatically also for different versions.

Multi-Version Jobs

FastVariants is a series of award winning tools for multi-version jobs. Multi-version jobs are becoming popular, and are typically completed with a single plate change - usually the black one. Unfortunately, these versions are often supplied as complete color files. It is possible that the black plate from a version file will not fit the other colors in the master file. A series of tools, called FastVariants, resolves this.


ImposeProof produces a front to back dummy imposition proof for customer approval.
ImposeProof takes the imposition document created by FastImpose and prepares it for output on virtually any duplex printer on the market, both color and black-and-white.

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