Fast editing of PDF files

Imagine the plates are ready, the press is set to go, and at the last moment an error shows up, a typo in the customer's name, a wrong telephone number, or perhaps the wrong image has been used. At moments like this it is critical to be able to correct the problem on the spot and get the press going. As PDF has become the preferred format for document exchange, and native documents are often not available, there is only one solution, to edit the PDF file as quickly as possible.

With the native PDF application Neo, a highly productive editor is available that gives the operator efficiency and productivity for editing and correction of multipage PDF files in commercial printing environments. Any user dealing with PDF will see Neo as a formidable asset in drastically reducing the approval and correction cycles that are unavoidable in today's demanding prepress environments.

Accurate Viewing and Measuring

Neo provides true and uncompromising preview and measuring of the PDF file; the file appears on screen exactly as it will be printed. To carefully inspect the file, Neo allows for an unlimited zoom factor, a snappy switch to outline preview, and separation viewing. Additionally, accurate measuring tools as well as an on-screen densitometer are available to quickly establish the dot percentages that will appear on plate.

High Performance Editing

In Neo, every single object is immediately accessible and editable, regardless if its text, images or other graphical objects. Through the easy selection tools any object can be immediately selected, its contents can be verified and modified in every possible way. Quickly change colors, add strokes, modify clip paths, and as Neo is fully PDF 1.6 compliant, work with layers or even modify shadows and transparencies. And if files have been trapped through Odystar, they appear on a separate layer allowing easy access, verification and even modification of the traps.

Fix Page Boxes

In prepress production, potential problems may arise when the page boxes for a PDF file are not set correctly. When e.g. the trimbox, bleedbox or mediabox are not correctly defined, this may present problems when imposing your files or producing output. Neo offers highly interactive tools to modify all the pageboxes, based on other pageboxes, interactively, or you can simply snap them to selected objects. And with all the editing tools that are available in Neo, it even becomes an easy job to add bleed to objects as required for the output, even if no bleed was specified during the layout process.

Save and Preflight

After editing, Neo saves the modifications back to the PDF file, and as a native PDF editor, only the changed objects are touched in the PDF file. Whilst saving, the operator can chose to preflight his file with an Enfocus PitStop profile, and completely work within the Enfocus Certified PDF workflow environment. Neo will even save all the modifications to a Certified PDF session in the PDF file, so all modifications can be tracked within PitStop Professional. As such, the document receiver can immediately see in the Certified PDF status if the file is still compliant to the PDF profile.

Integration with Odystar

Odystar is a highly automated pre-press workflow solution based on PDF 1.6 as its native data format and on JDF as the job ticket format. It offers a complete range of pre-press tools, from preflight, certification and automated document correction all the way to advanced trapping, imposition, proofing, printing and screening to plate. Odystar users can now seamlessly integrate the interactive correction cycle within their workflow with the use of Neo. Using Odystar's Shuttle in Neo, workflow files can be opened in Neo for verification or editing, and files can equally be submitted to Odystar workflows straight from the Neo user interface. Using the powerful Shuttle technology, it is even possible for the Neo operator to, depending on the file content or customer requirements, determine on the fly which parameters the file should be processed with in the Odystar workflow. Typical examples include FTP addresses the file should be sent to, email addresses, the printer which needs to be used for proofing, trapping sets, etc.