Odystar is a highly automated pre-press workflow solution based on PDF 1.6 as its native data format and on JDF as the job ticket format.

It offers a complete range of pre-press tools, from preflight, certification and automated document correction all the way to advanced trapping, imposition, proofing, printing and screening to plate.

Odystar is a completely integrated solution for PDF creation and production, which will also give new life to legacy RIPs and workflow systems, transforming them into PDF 1.6 compliant systems.

With an unprecedented ease of use, Odystar will provide an important boost to operator efficiency. Odystar not only drastically increases productivity in a pre-press production environment, but is equally suited for remote generation of highly robust, production-ready PDF files, at advertising and design agencies, document generators, or facilities management sites.

Advanced trapping technology

  • Deliver better quality printed materials
  • Reduce paper waste
  • Run your presses faster

These important benefits are available when using Odystar's advanced trapping technology. All transparencies are taken into account, and even the image content is considered when determining trapping directions. With the 4Stage Technology, trapping becomes easier than ever before. And, using the flattening technology available in Odystar, even older PS3 or PDF 1.3 RIPs can easily process the traps that were generated in Odystar.

Elaborate versioning capabilities

Imagine the cost of paper waste, ink waste and press down time when a plate change required for a different language or version does not exactly match the other plates already on press. Odystar can avoid these errors and extra costs by offering extensive versioning.

Automated versioning drastically increases production throughput and reduces manual intervention and potential errors. Examples include language changes (e.g. plate change for a different language) and localized versions of documents (e.g. different prices for a different region in a country).

Highly automated imposition

  • Streamline the imposition directly within the automated workflow
  • Build less imposition templates and increase throughput
  • Allow for late binding changes

Based on DynaStrip™ from Dynagram, Odystar features an integrated imposition engine, designed to accelerate and facilitate imposition of any type of work. When a job is submitted to Odystar, the operator simply sets up the job ticket describing the source documents, the sheet template, binding, creep, work and turn or tumble, offsets, plate definitions, etc.

The integrated imposition engine will then automatically be triggered to build the imposition job with the necessary sheets, and send the resulting PDF file through to the remainder of the workflow, either for proofing or plate output.

Additionally, JDF layout files originating from any major imposition application can be automatically resolved in the workflow.

State-of-the-art RIP technology

  • True native PDF 1.6 RIP
  • Advanced screening technologies: Paragon™, Organic™ and Concentric™
  • Drives virtually any output device

Odystar's PDF 1.6 RIP outputs color-accurate data to proofing equipment as well as screened information to plate with elaborate calibration controls.

Intuitive user interface

Odystar offers an unprecedented ease of use and maximizes operator efficiency. The easy setup, comprehensive configuration and intuitive graphical user interface make sure that even a novice user can operate the product in no time.

In addition, Odystar is aimed at automating the daily work in a pre-press production environment. The goal is not only to drive output devices, but also to provide extremely flexible workflow tools that allow you to automate more processes and communication in your pre-press department than you ever imagined.

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